====== How to efficiently use Yum offline ====== I use Fedora on my laptop, and at first I had a couple of problems with <color red>**''yum''**</color>, which seems to always believe you're connected to the Internet. There a special switch : <color purple>**''-C''**</color>, but it didn't work all the time with me. I was used to <color red>**''apt-get''**</color> before, which updates its metadata only if you tell it to (via <color red>**''apt-get update''**</color>). To configure <color red>**''yum''**</color> to behave the same way, add: <file> metadata_expire=99999999 </file> to your <color green>/etc/yum.conf</color>. This way, yum will not try to update its metadata all the time. But beware ! You'll need to do that yourself when you have access to the Internet, using: <code console> # yum makecache </code> Which is the equivalent of <color red>**''apt-get update''**</color>. **Edit years later:** this tip was useful for early versions of <color red>**''yum''**</color>, its new behavior is way nicer to offline computers, and is no longer really needed. ~~META:date created = 2006-11-03 15:34~~

blog/how_to_efficiently_use_yum_offline.txt · Last modified: 08/03/2010 13:25 (external edit) · []
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